8 thoughts on “Caroline Bosbach Nude (6 Photos)

  1. Fame Whore

    Her tits must be an uneven, cock-eyed train wreck.

    Rarely does a woman show her hot pocket and not her milk bottles.

  2. Spankmaster

    Anyone who actually wants to look and act like Patti Smith has lost my vote for the next five lifetimes…

    1. Doctor Dick

      She is labelled as a ‘politician’ in an earlier post. I suspect Spankmasters are just hoping for the Biden shoot :-)

  3. Creepy Joe sniffs young girls

    Unusual method of political campaigning. But I’m not complaining.

    Let’s hope it doesn’t catch on though, imagine Kamala flashing her pus infested gash. Even Creepy Joe Biden would be disgusted.


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