Check out Carmella Rose’s nude (covered) and sexy photos by Sam Dameshek for Maxim Mexico August 2020 Issue.
Carmella Rose (born October 3, 1995) is an American model who’s been featured in publications like Modeliste and Playboy.
I’ve done the math and if I had been charging just $3.00 per blumpkin for the last ten years, instead of just giving them away for free, I’d be comfortably retired right now. Alas, I’ve been living on a “friends” guest room couch “until things turn around”. SMH
Always projecting your inner fantasies.
That’s how all us gay folk should live.
Let That Rainbow Flag Fly!
I don’t think even the gays want you. They at least own their status.
Guess again! I haven’t gone a day without either sucking cock or taking it up the ass for years.
Always with the tired gay comments.
It’s my prolapsed asshole that’s tired, not so much my comments.
If I could earn 1 cent for each time I think about erect cocks I wouldn’t be on welfare in my Ma’s basement that’s for sure!
Mexico is not in The United States/
She needs to convince the Herbert twins and illy Easton to go nude
Great ass, but looking at her my first thought is cunnilingus.
Still waiting on the topless part.
Green eyes :)
Yep…for looking up at you while she’s on her knees