6 thoughts on “Carina Spack Sexy (6 Photos)

  1. chum

    Tattoos are gross. Nothing says “I follow the herd” like permanent graffiti intentionally applied to what nature created perfect. They are the uniform of the low rent, trashy crowd. And that arm crap on this chick looks like burn scars.
    Who would ever have thought the day would come when a all a chick would have to do to stand out above the crowd is nothing at all. Stop marking up your bodies. Stop with the fake tits and fake lips and fake asses. Stop shaving the beav. The way nature made them is vastly superior to the clowns so many turn themselves into.

  2. a man

    Butter face, great rack, awful tattoos and nice wristwatch

    (the last one is not a sure thing at all, but thanks for trying putting on good jewels anyway)


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