14 thoughts on “Cardi B Flaunts Her Cleavage as She Leaves a Club with Offset in NYC (8 Photos)

  1. Fame Whore

    Here’s my deal. My fetish is pissing off straight men. I spend at least half of my day on this site, leaving the same boring and unfunny comments over and over and over under about a dozen different stupid names. Naturally, I’m constantly trolled by breeders, but I just accuse every one of them of being an “admin”. It’s great because it means I don’t ever have to defend my behavior or contemplate the fact that I don’t belong here. Someday, I suppose, I’ll lose my virginity and realize that there’s more to life than being an annoying faggot. We’ll see.

    1. Jones

      +10 points. Here is so useless people and commend. They are so negative and yes, unhappy useless virgin white trash people. Slava Ukreine!

  2. Supernaut

    She is really unfortunate looking… not cute at all. And those tits look like she got them out of a Cracker Jax box, terrible implants. You can see them and her nasty butthole in the videos she did was she was a hooker.

  3. The real prick James III

    I’m sorry, but most Puerto (not so) Rican women are very gross. She’s vile and her “music” is just pure shit.


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