20 thoughts on “Cara Delevingne Sexy (2 Photos)

  1. Amber Heard

    Fuck this bitch!

    Bouzy, get your harassment-bots working on this trollop.

    I don’t care if Meghan is using all of them, I want this bitch ruined!!

  2. peter dobson

    Not the most ugly booty I have ever seen. Not bad at all. And her being a lesbian is not a hold back either. Just look at that cute bubble-butt

      1. peter dobson

        I don’t think she like carpets very much. She’s a baldy who likes a baldy….. That’s not a bad thought: 2 baldies on the landing strip of my wife. I could live with that.

  3. Fudgepecker

    I’d fuck her blind if her body and face were the whole story.
    Unfortunately there’s also the ‘small’ caveat that she’s bursting with unbridled loathing for humanity in general.
    She’d love to projectile vomit hard in everyone’s face and would feel quite satisfied if the acids actually killed you, so she could burn your body and take a shit on it.
    I’m sure there’s some submissive self hating fucktard somewhere who finds that infinitely sexy, but I don’t.


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