Busty Heidi Klum Looks Hot As Always (8 Pics + GIF & Video)

Model Heidi Klum showed her tits (slightly covered with hands) and beautiful legs in a new photoshoot for Harper’s BAZAAR – Instagram, 01/31/2020.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heidiklum/


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39 thoughts on “Busty Heidi Klum Looks Hot As Always (8 Pics + GIF & Video)

  1. Viper Vision

    The corpse of a coal burner that has hit the wall can not be described as hot. It is a putrid stinking cesspool.

    1. Jerome "Donkey Dick" Johnson

      Pick a name and stick with it, faggot. No need to post the same stupidity under 100 different names when we know it’s the same retard.

      1. Viper Vision

        Mah Deehk, do yourself a favor and read my previous reply to you, simian. Can’t believe more than one white will say these things, well they are. Not one person with different name, different people. We’re not scared of you simians anymore, we never were, we only weighed the consequence of annihilating (the costs) to the benefits of doing so. Simians like you are tipping the scales and the benefits are slowly but surely outweighing the cost in more and more of us. You are soon to face the most angry, intelligent and terrible enemy you ever faced and he will walk all over you without a thought.

        This enemy is the white man brought to motion and I would start running were I you.

        1. Jerome "Donkey Dick" Johnson

          Read my previous reply to you, snow chimp. You have already proved beyond all doubt what a fucking retard you are – and yes, we know you’re the singular dipshit behind multiple aliases. The best part is that you know it too. You should add a class in critical thinking in addition to those remedial grammar classes, dumbfuck.

          1. Viper Vision

            Sadly like the simian you are you can not understand the rise in resistance you are facing. You were used to people just letting you swing your mah-dheek”. Now not one, but a couple of people are offering you true opinions, since we have weighed the cost of non action against the cost of action and found that action is now warranted.

            You wish it were me using multiple aliases, but to my joy it is not. Get ready for what is to come. Atavistic simians are about to be put back in their place then we are coming for the Sabatian Bolsheviks who are coordinating this misanthropic detritus we have been suffering through for the past three generations.

            Sorry to say, none of this is good news for you there, Mah-Dheek.

            By the way, this is my third language. I happen to be a polyglot. I can insult you with far better proficiency in two other languages.

            You seem fairly proficient at this one, I do have to hand you that, but the ability to articulate detritus does not alter the nature of that manure.

    2. Name

      Sounds like your worthless family, you faggot. Shoot yourself in the head, point blank. The world could use less retarded crackers like you. It will do some good if you and more people like you liked yourselves. The opioids are only a start. Faggot sissy cracker bitch.

      1. Viper Vision

        Is that the best you got there pea brain? Go fling dung in the jungle simian, you are more proficient at that than intimidation or reason.

  2. Name

    If by “as always” you mean “never”, then yeah. She’s the single most overrated model of her generation. Much like the vastly overrated Hadid sisters are of my generation. Go to a buffet, you overrated hag

  3. Nothot

    Her time’s up. LOL
    She’s old, used, exhausted, hanging, dirty and even her young, kinda gay, lover can’t change a thing about it.

    1. Viper Vision

      Dave, an SJW of note. Don’t you know that the word “racist” has lost all of it’s impact. We are sick of race-mixers and their Cultural-Marxist enablers. The latter we have less respect for than the Mah Dheek’n black men themselves, since they are just following their nature. SJW’s on the other hand are expressions of weak minds easily programmed by the Sabatian Bolshevist anti-white propaganda.

      Please do examine your mind to find a sentiment that truly belongs to you and quite your virtue signalling.

        1. Viper Vision

          Is that supposed to be insulting? What am I to do with that lame statement? You have just proven the weakness of mind I have spoken of. You see, you have been stripped of racial identity and the need to defend it. You are indeed a drone to the Bolshevik Globalist Cabal. A net negative to humanity and an object of pathos. I pity you in your indentured servitude and false sense of reality. Your eventual awakening, if it happens will be a shock you would not be able to bear.

          1. Dave

            Wow, you sure are triggered, Mr Keyboard Revolutionary.

            Just keep thinking about those black penises, little snowflake.

          2. Viper Vision

            Dave, I’ll leave those kinds of fantasies to someone who enjoys them, namely you Mr. Weak-mind. Unlike myself It seems you enjoy the thought of being invaded and dominated.

          3. Dave

            I fucking love your impotent rage.

            I fucking love how for each sentence you write, somewhere in the world, a mixed race couple has reached a shuddering climax. And in the time it takes to write a post, a mixed race baby has been born.

  4. Mortimer

    let is BE know tHat this soullEss creAture Depicted_in these photographs is nothing but an animated COpse. it committed suicide by spreAding it’s Legs_to the Black man name seal. it them proceeded to, throUgh this unholy and disgusting coupling miss-make and bRiNg forth into this world, somE genetic abeRrationS~._THIS_anImated corpse is uNder the warning of being a biohazard aS iT is spreAdiNg The mind-virus of cultural marxism~._Any perSon under the impression thAt it is still alive should rePort for immediate euthanasia since they are infected by this incurable and infectious mind-virus~._the spread of thIs virus Must be halted iMmEDIATELY~.


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