Check it out nude photos of Britney Spears. Do you think these photos are fake? Britney Jean Spears is a singer-songwriter, actress from McComb. Age: 35 (born December 2, 1981).

Check it out nude photos of Britney Spears. Do you think these photos are fake? Britney Jean Spears is a singer-songwriter, actress from McComb. Age: 35 (born December 2, 1981).
Over a decade too late for me to care
Completely fake? But one can hope
Absolutely, 100% fake. I think that’s clearly plain to see, but I sure hope I’m wrong. Everything about the pictures just look fake to me. Unless they’re proven otherwise, I’ll stick to what I said.
if these are legit then congrats webmaster. Never seen before and not able to find anywhere else. What’s the source?
Just google Britney Spears windex. First image in animal print bikini.
What is she doing, washing the windows? Is that Windex and paper towels she’s carrying?
There is a glass table right behind her. That should be your first clue.
not her no C section scar. She has a large one near her vag which is missing.
the picture is 8 pixels and you can see a scar which should be about 1/8000 of 1 pixel ?
the pic is so tiny you can make nothing out
Common ways to check: tattoos, jewelry, tan lines, etc. Except I can’t muster enough enthusiasm to get into it.
Yes I’ve know these are fakes but there still good fakes’ I hope one’ve these days she will have to be truly naked, there will have to come a time when she will have to show off fully’ I will look forward to the day she does.
Fake 100%. you can google “Britney spears bathing suit windex” and can see her real pics… stop wasting our times and post real shit from actual celebrities and no more of these nasty page 3 girls and sad looking fashion models
Just run a reverse image search in Tineye or Google Images and you’ll see the unphotoshopped bikini.
If it is fake, the only way is by removing a bikini and inserting genitals, because that is definitely her in those photos. So the only proof of this being fake is to find the originals with the bikini, and until someone can produce these photos instead of being so self assured of themselves to call it fake, I’m not calling this fake yet.
Yup..that is the “only way”..and several people posed links to the originals BEFORE YOUR POST.
LOL Yes, fake. I’ve already seen these photos. And the last time she had a bikini ..
Britney Spears had a nip slip about 2 weeks ago in concert. Her nipples are much, much smaller – this is fake.
Her nipples or her areolas? Let me break this down to you since you’ve never experienced a real pair, areolas and nipples get excited and change size, texture, and even color. You are welcome sir virgin
JJ…you only proved that you are the one with no experience with breasts. No..aereolas are not changing size that matter HOW excited she was about windexing that table.
Yes areolas do change size the most. You fucking idiot
Not even fapworthy . Yuk . Fake her as a teen when she was attractive.
…just like me and all the names I post under….Andreas…Andreas Jr….left lane driver…Andrew…..bluebird…and many more….my strap on is more real than all those…and my love for the neighborhood boys is real too…..
I didn’t realize I stumbled over to celebjihad
Fake or not still wouldn’t cap on them