Check out Britney Spears’ scandalous cleavage show! Get all the juicy deets about her revealing black pushup top.
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Check out Britney Spears’ scandalous cleavage show! Get all the juicy deets about her revealing black pushup top.
Aaaahhhh mon druuuggggs!!!!!!!!!!
Striking how no amount of money can take the white trash out of white trash.
Take the stylist(s) out of the equation and she INSTANTLY switches to the hair and clothes of a Vegas stripper on crack. Marble counters, marble floors, marble columns… barf.
She has been past PNR(point of no return) for a while now. And she going to crash very soon. Let’s all remember the “good old days” of her and move on.
I know a girl who looks just like a young Britney. It’s normal for a straight guy to want to suck a beautiful girls cock.
They sell better clothes at walmart !!!!
Grey Gardens P.II
Shouldn’t be allowed to dress herself.
Phyllis Diller would’ve loved her
Three basic questions I must now pose as follows:
What the fuck is she trying to prove, who the fuck is going to give a shit about what she is proving and why the fuck must she torture us like this?
I’d really like to know the answers to these questions, as my only other consideration is for her to take as much heroin as possible now. I’m sure the morgue technicians will get a cheap thrill out of meeting a singing superstar…
Three answers: ? ? ? Nobody knows anymore what to do with this derailed woman/girl/cry baby….
That outfit looks like the last thing a truck stop whore puts on before she’s found the next morning behind a dumpster in Ohio. It’s obvious she wants to commodify her pussy to get pills, but bizarre that this is how she chooses to sell it.