22 thoughts on “Britne Oldford Sexy (9 Photos)

  1. Spankmaster

    I do hope her child is a vast improvement to what’s birthing it. As the old saying goes, the apple don’t fall too far from the tree…

      1. Spankmaster

        As your parents gave birth to you, Dockie, from your father’s arse crack after a really severe bout of constipation, then you really aren’t one to talk about others getting pregnant. In fact, you’re a prime example being one tough shit that just won’t go away. But don’t worry, as I will eventually solve that problem…

      2. Spankmaster

        And I keep failing my first ass-birth. Im sooo destroyed Im going into clinical depression. Doc says being around kids might help. So here I am working kindergarten during the weekdays and church choirs on sundays. Story of my life.

        1. Spankmaster

          Ah, the fraudulent fuckfaced fag wants more angle grinder therapy also. So bend over and start gritting your teeth, boy…

  2. brian spenser

    The Fappening Admins need to learn how to use adjectives. There is nothing sexy about her in these photos. I would jump over her to get to a clean chicken.


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