18 thoughts on “Brie Larson Flaunts Nice Cleavage in a Black Dress at the “FAST X” Premiere in Rome (20 Photos)

    1. Sheldon

      Fake breast bolt ons. Bitch attitude. Ass flatter than an ironing board. She has to wear padding to look like she has an ass. Is losing her starring role.

      She is the poster child for being a “Cee U Next Tuesday”

      1. YourHandsyUncle

        The phrase “bolt ons” is pretty fucking dumb. Also, they are very real, which is very easy to confirm. You strike me as someone that has never actually touched a woman, so you are not really qualified to speak on the matter.

  1. Severin

    She looks hot. Sexy. It’s unfortunate that online she only seems to be known for the MCU (that ANYONE who can actually act is primarily known for that shit is fucking depressing) and her adherence to the Satanic femifascist religion of #MeTooism.


  2. LOL

    Oh, such a goddess!

    Don’t listen to the haters, she is fighting the good fight against the sexist pigs of the patriarchy!
    One day she will be appreciated, she deserves a Nobel Prize for her activism and multiple Oscars for her nuanced and layered performance as Captain Marvel.
    Also a Knighthood for services against Trumpers and a Presidential award for her advancement of people with “5-heads”.
    She is my idol, and one day I wish to be her. Maybe through cloning. Elon make it possible. {sigh}


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