13 thoughts on “Blanca Blanco Shows Off Her Tits in LA (23 Photos)

  1. wawa

    “Shows off her tits”

    She’s literally just wearing a tshirt. One that isn’t even tight. YOU GODDAMED RETARD.

  2. Black and Proud!

    Rich-white Leftists live in these nice, crime-free neighborhoods.

    Notice, how ANTIFA only burns down “poor neighborhoods”? :(

    1. wawa

      That’s because most antifa people are upper middle class white people and typically college educated. This has already been proven 10x over.

    2. doubleeagle

      Why is a black man more worried about ANTIFA, a loosely banded conglomerate of all kinds of folks, than actual groups that are white supremacists, etc that ANTIFA is against. If you think left liberalism is more of a danger to black America than the fascist groups they fight, you’re in sad shape. I live in one of those nice, left leaning neighborhoods, which has a diverse mix of white, black, asian, hisapnic, east indian, middle easterners, etc; and almost all my neighbors, like myself, support BLM, and some, like me, have marched in the streets with black lives matter signs. What the f have you done to improve the condition?
      I support the protests for George Floyd, and DO NOT support ANTIFA. I consider them a hate group, despite the fact that they fight against the worst hate groups in the US. I don’t doubt SOME ANTIFA factions are responsible for inciting the violence in the protests; but if you’re running with that, based on what the asshole in the oval office is saying, you’re still not paying attention. It’s just as likely, perhaps more so, that fascist, white supremacy groups are responsible for the organized violence, because they fear a united white and black response to Floyd’s murder. Trump is a racist that has not supported white supremacy, but given it tacit traction through his actions and words. Get WOKE.

      1. Fat Kate Upton

        Doubleeagle, Trump and the Republicans are on track to wipeout the Democrats in November. Then, we’ll have to put all the Lefties on suicide watch, ROTFFLOL!

  3. Dickbiggerthanyourmoms

    This bitch needs to get an Onlyfans and do hard anal. Then someone will actually give a fuck about seeing her.


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