14 thoughts on “Blanca Blanco Poses in a Sexy Red Lingerie for The Oscars (9 Photos)

    1. NachoMama's Smelly Pussy

      She’s 40, single and childless. Women overvalue themselves. Her husband was a supposed to be a plumber, or a roofer; but, she held out for a man that didn’t exist.

      1. truth

        Women don’t overvalue themselves at all, men are what create that value by validating and worshipping them constantly. Blame the simp mentality, the internet only multiplied this.

  1. Ren

    FIrst image: nice cameltoe. The rest are great, too. The Oscar an implied dildo. She should just be naked – she would be even more beautiful if she’d set her nasty free.

  2. Oscar wiener

    So now the questions are which end of the statue is she gonna stick in which of her holes.
    Vote here.
    1.Bottom in the poop shoot
    2.Top in the poop shoot
    3.Bottom in the vag
    4.Top in the vag
    5.Snaps statue in 2 and way she goes
    6.shes nasty don’t care


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