7 thoughts on “Blanca Blanco Poses For Photos While Out in Paris (12 Photos)

  1. Hypergamy Makes Women Lonely And Frustrated.

    Pathetic, single, and childless at age 40.

    Showing her tits, desperately trying to

    hang onto her youth and relevance.

    1. NotAFan

      But she hasn’t shown her tits. All these photosets posted and she hasn’t shown much of anything. She isn’t all that famous. She isn’t hot, not on a “celebrity” level hot. And she isn’t close to nude. What is the appeal here? She should be on an over 40 amateur site

  2. Mr. Loopy

    Working them streets again I see.
    I think it’s about time to give us a little nudity or just leave…
    It’s way over due don’t ya think?

  3. Johny625

    The outfit is daft it’s just 3 things that don’t go together, but I like her. I think she’s hot. Replying to the guy above… grow up. I think it’s ace she doesn’t have any kids. There are too many people grubbing up the planet as it is. I would be so glad to date a girl who didn’t want kids. I hate the little fuckers. Also why are you so bitter you have to insult people on the net. There are much better things to do with your life than try to knock others down.

  4. Sideshow Boob

    Filthy skank. We should shame her in the village square with a gangbang, and then stone her to death.


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