Actress Blanca Blanco enjoys another vacation day with friends while exploring the sights in Sicily, 08/06/2021.
Actress Blanca Blanco enjoys another vacation day with friends while exploring the sights in Sicily, 08/06/2021.
Who is this woman we get pictures of regularly? Is she someone’s mother or something? Who the fuck is she? What do we care what she’s got on or where she goes swimming? WTF?
Christ. She gets worse looking every time we see her.
Da fuck is her deal Crapper, why do you keep posting her shit?
Very unflattering outfit. She should be in a hi cut Brazilian bottom at the minimum at all times. Otherwise, thank you for posting her. I look forward to her every single time I visit this site.
We cant buy food if you keep spending my social security checks on bikinis!
Who is the sugar daddy of this unattractive woman who keeps paying people to publish her unappealing photos? She’s never done anything to make herself famous, just played in a couple of B-movies (and apparently charmed some dude with a lot of money). This has been going on for a year here…