37 thoughts on “Billie Eilish Poses Topless (4 Photos)

  1. Jebus

    I’m glad she’s gaining more body positivity and not listening to incels like the shitbags in here that criticize her from behind the safety of a keyboard in mommy’s basement.

    1. Chester

      At least they aren’t sycophantic, asswipes like you who worship at the altar of some shithead celebrity which is worse than eating garbage. Celebrity worship is the lowest of the low.

    2. FatCockForYurPurtyMouth

      I’d call her a fat pig to her face, and would spit in yours. Not scared, bitch boi.

      1. You'reAFaggotassBitchboy

        You’re definitely a fatass bitch living in your mom’s basement. shut the fuck up faggot and go suck your daddy’s cock and balls and tell me how his cum tastes

    1. Spankmaster

      I agree entirely that she needs to lose some weight for health reasons along the same lines as what Rebel Wilson did in looking something like a woman rather than hideous sexless blob that she was. Then hopefully Billie will go nude to please us all…

      1. Doctor Dick

        Having sated your sick Spankmaster lusts looking at the ‘Jessica’ Rodrigo Alves photos. No doubt you are now shampooing the dog !

        1. Spankmaster

          I’m only shampooing the dog so that you will fuck it up the arse and continue with your happily bestial life. I dare say being a Doc got you too involved with your patients, which clearly is why you are no longer a vet…

  2. Severin

    And now I’m going to say that if evil, treacherous, ungrateful cunts had not engineered the unjust cancellation of the great Terry Richardson, he would have shown us Billie’s tits by now.

    1. Fat Kate Upton

      And, those evil-feminist cunts, who attacked him,

      will NEVER achieve the accomplishments of Terry Richardson.

  3. Sloth5991

    This girl is so fucking ugly. I don’t know where they get so much obsession with her. She’s just a fat mongoloid with a little flashy boobs.

    1. Spankmaster

      And once you are in prison, watch out for any guy called Bubba. Unless, of course, you are into that sort of thing, then he will soon be into you…


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