13 thoughts on “Billie Eilish Nude Outtakes (9 Photos)

    1. Down4Whatever

      “Why Billie why???”

      1. Because it’s her choice and she likes it and and she wanted to dye it blonde. Duh!

      2. “it’s all about what makes you feel good”

      Did you not even read the Vogue interview?


  1. Brian Ramirez-Griffin

    It’s funny: her natural hair color is blonde. This is a little different shade, but still.

  2. zengoth

    billie eilish is sooo … mmmhhhoootttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt … subatomaric paraloadin vz brainpeeelin … -:)

  3. Down4Whatever

    Forget dem tiddies, the ‘toned’ stomach is clearly fake and photoshopped too.

    Why do you think she’s always in a corset or sucking in her gut and hiding it with her hands.

    Photoshop is her friend in ALL those Vogue pics.

    Usually fat tits = fat gut = fat ass.

    I’d take an B-C-cup and a slim body and tight pert ass over a D-cup and a fat ass and saggy belly any day of the week.

    Also, in my experience girls with smaller tits try harder to please when performing sex , girls with big bazoomers think their tits are all they need to be sexy and are often boring as fuck in bed, or too self conscious of the big cow udders slapping together and swinging all over the place..

    TLDR. I like her face though, she remind me of Scarlett Johansson in some pics. But maybe that’s just me.


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