Just weeks after her 18th birthday, rapper and social media star Bhad Bhabie continues her Fappening behavior as she appears to show off her nude tits and ass in the photos below.
These are fakes ofc. Check out her real photos and screenshots in the gallery!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bhadbhabie/
That’s the kind of chick you just grunge fuck.
I jack off to her
Same here bro and yes bro, go on my son, do you wanna jerk off to her together in the dms? What’s your socials bro?
She just turned 18? Aren’t there laws about tattooing minors?
Tattoo ink causes brain damage. The more tattoos, the more damage. Case in point.
Some places are 16 w/o parental permission, while others are 16 w/parental permission and 18 w/o it. Hell, some places where I live are 14 w/parental permission
If her mom signed for the tats she’s good which I’m sure she did
You’re a fucking moron
Wow you’re dumb
I actually think its the other way around. The more brain damaged the more tattoos you get.
Man Its scary there’s people as stupid as you out there
Not in all states, some allow as young as 15.
Dr Phil did them for her
worst fakes ever, idiot
Another happy visitor to Wakanda! To the angry incels that will be here shortly, face it, your women have had enough of cowardly keyboard warriors. They are moving on to real men who actually go outside and can scratch that itch that microdicks like you could never hope to reach!
Projecting and coping for your shortcomings on a porn site is not a sign of a healthy mind.
Can you breathe monkey?
That’d make sense if she was white you broke buck microdick
Her only fans shows how many grown men had sexual thoughts about a 16 and 17 year old girl
I saw Dark D mentioning his (her?) desire to sexually assault underage boys.
So, that kind of thing?
That’s just the fake name faggot living vicariously through other people’s names.
You were the only one talking about raping kids, pal.
Fake Name Faggot logic = I’m picturing and writing all this gay stuff, but that means you’re gay.
Yeah… not sure it works like that pal.
There you are! You dirty kiddie toucher.
Perfect name for your memoirs (if you get there, people of your limited intelligence don’t have good survival rates): Faked and Fagged: A retard’s story.
You sound so very young.
Maybe you’re too young to be a kiddie toucher.
You write like you are a tween.
Lol really? What do you get when you re-read your own posts, the early manuscript of a novel?
I mean you’re the human equivalent of a kid that does a shit immitation of you and then thinks whatever he says means it applies to you and you say I’m childish. I’m actually laughing out loud.
You didn’t NEED to go and prove me right.
Just sayin’.
You and right in the same sentence is a paradox.
Apologies, there’s zero chance of you understanding what that means: It’s not possible for you to be right.
You’re writing like a child. I’m right.
You’re don’t have the mental capacity to know right or wrong. You could probably commit any crime and get away with a mental institution. You’re that retarded.
Up until the late 1950’s/early 1960’s it was fairly common for older men to marry girls as young as 12 in rare cases, 15-16 was normal marrying age and if a girl wasn’t married by 19 she was entering spinster territory. This ” you’re a pervert if you think anyone younger than 18 is sexually attractive” idea is fairly novel.
the ugliest! also tattoos are even more uglier seen!
Man that is fake. The real and fake are side by side on 4chan and reddit. Come on.
Are her boobs real?
Why the fuck do you post fakes? As a sniper I’m about to take you out you fucking retard.
Her crack is black from all that hep-c shits she takes
Hooked on Ebonics, next up bhad pussy pics
You know it’s coming …
i can’t believe that this ugly bitch got a million dollars in 6 hours on ONLYFANS
I’m fairly new here. Why is Dark D constantly being attacked by someone using their moniker or something else?
Because there’s a troll who has deemed himself the overseer of this site. If you post something the little twat doesn’t like it will copy your screen name and make fake posts. It has to squat to pee and weighs over 500 pounds.
Oh dog fuckers-I MEAN honkies…hold this L right quick
UGLY WHORE…has the shittiest camera around…she does it on purpose…doesn’t want to show off those HUGE but ugly tits…
Why the fuck are you posting fakes, you goddamn retard? God lord this site is trash
Still laugh at Dr. Phil during that interview. “Did, did you call the audience hoe’s?”
Talentless skank.
Jeeeeez what a skank…I need a shot of antibiotics just looking at it.
This pancake as basic bitch made over a million in her 1st 6 hours of opening an OnlyFans. Simps are the real cancer of society. If you see anyone around you giving these dumb whores money or gassing them up online check them right then and there or this whole thing keeps getting worse.
badly done x ray “nudes”. fappening you guys have really fallen off. where are the real nudes? are there not any “real” ones?
I’d love to stick my dick down her throat