Bethan Kershaw was seen while filming at the opening day of Medusis Pool Party with The Geordie Shore cast in the Algarve, Portugal, 06/27/2019.
Bethan Kershaw was seen while filming at the opening day of Medusis Pool Party with The Geordie Shore cast in the Algarve, Portugal, 06/27/2019.
whats worse, chode boy and his tatts or that skanks ass?
Love a dink with ink.
He has a picture of Dieter tattooed on his meat!
My thoughts exactly. I’m fucking dying here lol.
Fucking disgusting,the lot of them
Unbelievable to think these people think there gods gift and look 10 out of 10 but really are a 4 or 5 at best
I wonder who told that tattooed lizard, that those tats look good?
Degenerate scum the lot of them
Why are they so fat?
This is de-evolution at its finest. They are leading the charge back to the days where we killed our food with rocks and washed our clothes in urine. They are the human equivalent of defecation.
I do not think he will be that attractive in 30 years with all these tattoos. Hanging skin and wrinkles