28 thoughts on “Bella Thorne Sexy (38 Photos)

    1. pervert

      And you’re promoted from a pathetic internet pervert to a pathetic internet pervert who’s a hypocrite.

      1. SoKo

        Well to be honest, your the hypocrite.

        You call me an ‘Pathetic Internet Pervert.’ but your username is ‘Pervert,’ and, you know were on the internet? Do you see how dumb you are?

        Try reading a book more, you might learn something.

        Lastly, if I am a, ‘Pathetic Internet Pervert,’ and your promoting me to, ‘Pathetic Internet Pervert.’ You have not promoted me, Maybe the grasp of the English Language baffles you, or…Your a retard.

        Meh, I think your a retard.

    2. Carl

      Says the guy who’s wanking off to trash on the web.
      Say what gets you more off?
      The pictures or the insulting of girls who are 3 levels out of your legue?

    3. SoKo is a Peter Puffer

      Coming from the person who thinks Man-Face Kristin Stewart is hot.BLAH.Must be Bandit back again.

      1. SoKo

        Shh, I’ll let you into a little secret…I’m not Bandit.

        But whoever he/she is, I would be interested in commenting with him/her.

        A Peter Puffer is a derogatory term for a guy man?

        Well…I’m not gay, but its nice to know you are a homophobe.

        At least what I said is true!

  1. haha

    Aww who needs facebook when i can come here to the comments for my daily dose of idiocy! Thanks to soko I got almost a months full of stupid from just today alone.

  2. SoKo

    What the fuck is wrong with you people?

    For-Christ-sake, she got tit implants.

    She looks like a Skank. Acts like a Skank and I get criticized?

    Grow the Fuck up you dickless morons.

    I call’em like I see em.

    One last thing, I’m in my mid twenties and straight as they come.

    So go do your homework and back to school in the morning, Fucktards!

      1. SoKo

        Virgin? Ha Ha Ha!

        You really are in school!

        Haven’t heard that on in a while.

        Great comeback! (Heavy on the sarcasm!)

        But you did make me smile, you will realize how lame your comment is when you really do loose your virginity. Until then, enjoy your flapp!

        1. Sokoisadumbass

          Soko. If she offered sex no doubt you would tap(unless your gay) so don’t be dissing her.

          1. SoKo

            To be a Skank, you have to be over 18 and look like White Trash.

            Bella Thorne is a Skank, but its okay, she is making a shit tonne of money from it. I don’t think she will be too worried about bullying.

            The only person who calls some a Virgin IS a Virgin!

            They think sex is this BIG magical place, were in reality, after a while, its boring! You will learn this.

            The chase however is the fun part, seducing a woman, that flush of excitement when you are about to bang her for the first time, now that’s a rush!

            Give is 12 months, and your bored. This is a fact. This is why I’m not bothered being called a Virgin or any other bullshit you say, as I know I’m writing to a bunch of kids.

            You will blow your load in 30 seconds when your going at it for the first time, every man does.

            Do yourself a favor, find the biggest slut you can find, or better still a single woman over 40, this is a cougar. Tell her your a virgin and you will get the best education you have ever had. Cougars love virgins!

            That’s what I did, and I have never regretted it.

            Virgin…HA HA HA! Still makes me chuckle!

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