12 thoughts on “Bella Thorne Sexy (14 Photos)

    1. Turlough

      They don’t look particularly fake to me. They’re certainly not especially big. But of course the obvious response to the assertion that she’s got fake tits is ‘so what’?

      1. PuppyMonkeyBabyJr

        Exactly, i come here and see pics of her and think, who the hell thinks her tits are even fake. It gets to be dumb some times

    2. pboi

      I really don’t want to comment to dumbasses like u because I’m afraid ur stupidity might rub off on me if I make any kind of conversation w/ u idiots…but…

      WTF r u talking about fake????!!! why don’t u ask ur mommy or ur sister to show u their tits so that at least u finally saw a real breast before making stupid dumbass comments. Really?!?!?!?!?….she got a boob job at 18 to make it look like her tits are regular size?? ur a fucking dumbass and u r right, YOU R A TURDSANDWICH!!!

  1. HeyDumbass

    When an 18 year old is in perfect shape, her tits might look pretty tight. In fact even if she wasn’t in that kind of shape they probably would. There’s absolutely nothing fake about them. Sorry to burst your hater bubble. There’s video out there of her running around. I suggest you go find it.


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