Bella Thorne wears a see through bra – Instagram, Snapchat, 09/12/2017. Bella Thorne is an American TV & film actress, model, singer, social media star. Age: 19 yo.

I wish someone would teach her how to use makeup. When it’s done right she can be extremely attractive, but when she does it herself, it looks like she just melts crayolas on her lips and sharpies the fuck out of her eyes.
Tbf though, in these pics it looks like a rare session where next to no makeup was used.
she has cancer on her face and you’re concerned about makeup?
more zits than a 15 year old fat kid that eat potato chips and chocolate everyday
she’s so ugly…. total skank
When is she just gonna release a sex tape already? Or at least some proper nudes. This “Ooopsy is my nipple showing? Tee Hee” shit doesn’t cut it anymore.
I hate this fucking bitch! Ugly as shit
Such a slag, I wouldn’d fuck her with yours even.
I think “Hot” is an overstatement
METHFACE! Will only get worse with time.
I wouldn’t kick her out of bed
But I bet you would kick her to the curb, after you finish
Find out what you need to improve in yourself to become more effective!
looks like a str8 crackhead gtfoh
That nose ring just calls attention to her third world teeth.
Love these guys with fake standards. If i dropped this chick dripping wet on your lap, you aint turning it down…
Please go to rehab
She really could be a 10 though her “style choices” keep her at a 5. The septum ring has to go, as does the stuck-out-tongue and “devil horns” hand signs – she’s not a 13yr old boy. She has NO sense of how to be alluring and sexy. Granted, she’s rich and living her life and not giving a fuck, but that doesn’t mean I have to be interested in her. If she gave a damn, she could really be an icon with that slim body that those tits.
Exactly my thought, Captain.
A stunning woman when dressed (undressed) and made-up properly. Something has gone seriously wrong with her in the last year or two.
What a whore
It’s like she has no style of her own. About two yrs back, she looked alright
The first pic is like Spud from Trainspotting
Stop posting her or I will kill myself!
@Stop posting her or I will kill myself!
Write your will and say your prayers for your end is nigh