8 thoughts on “Bella Hadid Flashes Her Nude Tits (1 Photo)

  1. Carlos T. Jackal

    The more I look at “Bella” Hadid, the more I’m convinced she started out life as a boy…

  2. Chester

    Did you see {not that long ago} the video Bella posted to social media where she was lying on a bed with a camera device pointed at her face crying and blubbering into the camera for about 15 minutes? Talking about how life sucks and people don’t really know her and know what it is like to be her and how she feels like shit at times but no one knows it……..but they should. Made a complete ass out of herself. Made a complete fool out of herself…………………….Don’t know how these people get a pass on such narcissistic behavior. Where I come from. The people I know. If you went on social media and cried for 15 minutes and blubbered into the camera they’d disown you. You’d be a pariah. No one would talk to you. They’d throw eggs at your house.

  3. Truth

    This woman, who is dogshit, has disgusting, flaccid tits. And weirdly, her nipples are actually above her tits instead of on them where they belong. (Not that it would matter for these awful things anyway.)


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