Bar Refaeli is a self-styled mermaid, as she poses for a photo in a pool, 07/30/2019. The Israeli-born supermodel, 34, lies in the water in a bikini, captioning the image simply with a ‘mermaid’ emoji.
Bar Refaeli is a self-styled mermaid, as she poses for a photo in a pool, 07/30/2019. The Israeli-born supermodel, 34, lies in the water in a bikini, captioning the image simply with a ‘mermaid’ emoji.
We have a lot in common. We’ve both had leaked photos of our brown eyes and people trying to connect us to the photos. I will deny the proofers unless they can prove that’s my prolapsed arsehole. Connecting shot stains and skid marks is not proof as lots of people have irritable bowel.