Big hot woman Ashley Graham poses for V Magazine (May 2017). Ashley Ann Graham is a plus-size model from Nebraska (US). Age – 29 (October 30, 1987).

Big hot woman Ashley Graham poses for V Magazine (May 2017). Ashley Ann Graham is a plus-size model from Nebraska (US). Age – 29 (October 30, 1987).
She might be partly nude but definitely not sexy!
Says the guy jerking off in his mothers bathroom
Millions of others disagree
I’d fuck each one of the 570 pounds of her fat bod
Fuck Yes!
This is a terrible body. And this “model” thinks of herself as an activist for obese people to accept themselves. This is such a big lie, being fat and out of shape is not beautiful or fabulous. Just because some of these “plus-size” women are too lazy to get off their fat asses and work out and don’t have the discipline to eat healthy does not make it right for them to preach acceptance.
Yeah, FUCK acceptance! *Eye roll. I do wonder though, what you homos that keep saying someone isn’t sexy, or too fat, actually look like. I REALLY wonder what your “woman” looks like.
Exactly she’s a disgrace not a role model
Exactly. It takes discipline and willpower to be fit and healthy. Being fat is exactly the opposite and is the cause most major health issues. No one should accept being fat and it certainly isn’t something that anyone should celebrate.
exactly Svet. after I saw her leg with all it’s cellulite I thought, “she’s not a model.” you can’t have cellulite and be a model. I mean come on. doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose of a model if she or he is overweight? I mean if you saw Ashley graham on the street with her fat body would the word model ever cross your mind? of course not because she’s fat.
I mean not everyone can be a model and that is the way it has to be. the reason why is only the select very few are beautiful enough and slim enough to be models. which makes it special to be a model. that is why not everyone can be a model has to be the way it is. it takes away the allure and pedigree and respectability of modeling when we have plus size “models.” I at first was going to not post that she doesn’t deserve to be a model because she is fat because I thought there is going to be some idiot who is going to argue with me and say, you have to have an “open mind” about a woman’s body being beautiful looking. well, actually no we don’t ever have to do this and we don’t ever have to accept a plus size “model.”
and just because there is 5% of the population who think fat is beautiful in the world doesn’t mean we have to accept a plus size “model.” and yes there were fat models in the early 1900s and before then but maybe that was only because a lot of women were fat back then so people didn’t know better, they didn’t know that a woman shouldn’t be fat or else she is ugly. also maybe those models were fat because they didn’t have a way to get in shape back in the early 1900s and before then so then there were a lot of fat women in those times so since it was the norm models could be fat.
also there is the fact that being fat is unhealthy and can shorten a life and usually does shorten a life. so no, no matter how much these “enlightened” people want us to believe, fat is never going to be attractive ever again and a model can never be fat.
But what about the super skinny unhealthy models? I don’t want to see bones either as there is nothing sexy about a tall skinny woman with no tits or ass AND an UGLY face (btw most models have average to below average looking faces). No I’m not saying it’s ok for obese women to be models, but I don’t want to see these size zero anorexic unhealthy ones either. If you find super skinny with young boys body to be attractive, there is something wrong with you my friend. I want healthy models. No anorexic or obese chicks.
and now someone is going to say there are countless kinds of bodies that a woman can have that is beautiful and so there can be models who are fat. the problem with this theory is we are talking about models not just beautiful, average or below average looking women. models have to be the best looking women in the world and so they have to be in good shape. there has to be some quality control in them looking slim and healthy.
Exactly. Finally some honest comments regarding her. I can’t stand her face nor her body. The fact that it’s lately branded as “plus size” instead of just plainly fat. She is ugly, period, no better way to say it.
Sorry, but she’s disgusting. No one wants to see giant clumps of cellulite. She’s got a nice face and tits, but that’s where it ends.
Would bang hard
She’s beautiful.
Finally. I’ve always wanted to see her tits. She’s gorgeous and very thick. I love ’em that way.
exactly I thought the exact same thought after finally, and I mean finally seeing her tit. but it wasn’t a good view because 1. it’s not a clear view and 2. it’s not in color. she needs to show her boobs in a clear picture that is in color.
You and me both brother
I’d fuck her in a second all night long!
This is definitely not a good looking body or sexy. She is out of shape and obese and since her fat ass is too lazy to work out she promotes for obese people to accept themselves which has been proven by doctors and experts to be a hypocritical point of view. If you want to remain fat, so be it, but don’t go promoting it on TV shows and on interviews.
She is gorgeous
Lol We need rest. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.
I’d suck her dad’s dick
you are her dad’s dick
She have a pretty face, but her body is horrible.
Fuck that, you all know you would hit all that thickness!!
Hideous fat cunt
Fag! Lol
Pretty face, fake boobs, and good god that horrible fat ass.
I believe the tits are real. She is a fat though.
Her tits are natural ya tag.. and everyone saying she is fat and not healthy… need to firstly stop acting a big man saying cause she is bigger than most models and saying her tits are fake she is all natural compared to the wee skinny size 6/8 waistline with big tits and a big ass who only have the big ass and tits because they are given to them doctors…. god gave Ashley a smashing body and she rocks it….. she is what is called a REAL WOMAN!!!
good gawd no!
I want her to ride my face. Her husband is a goddamned lucky bastard to get to eat that ass every day.
Wow beautiful nice bubble nice tits cute face
She’s got saggy fat-girl tits, a cottage cheese ass and a beer belly. Totally disgusting.
If she lost a little bit more weight, she would be a dime. But she still looks good though.
Lol fake tits? Aww poor punk, one day you’ll be old enough and see what tits look like in person.
That is one fat bitch LOL
She missed her calling as an NFL linebacker
She takes massive shits
some of u fuck heads talk so much shit and its ridiculous she is beautiful no matter what your size is and just cause she is big doesn’t mean she doesn’t work out and what the fuck does it matter if u are happy being who u are then thats all that matters fuck all u disgusting pricks
You don’t get fat working out and eating healthy idiot Aaron you must be a insecure obese woman
Are yous aware that some girls are naturally curvy and that’s a healthy size for them if they lost weight they can go from the sexy body she has to the body of a 6 year old boy and be close to death…. have a wee look at eating disorders you absolute bellends!!!!
Good fucking god. What a fat disgusting bitch. If she’s considered a model and a role model then the whales in the oceans are too! Unhealthy, out of shape, and absolutely sickening. She’s not thick, she’s fucking overweight.
LOL that cow has her own orbit
I would have sex with her but she is a fat pig.I mean that ass is so out of shape its absurd.
amen brother
I catch believe how many stretch marks this woman has.She has them everywhere.
I love how you say what does it matter to them that she doesn’t care about her body.Then why the fuck do you care what they think.I guess because you are retarded asswipe who can’t spell or speak english and you have nothing better to do in your waste of a life than to go on rant about what other people think and try to force them to agree with you that she looks good fat.
You just done the same thing you complaining to Aaron for doing ya spaz
Wait until the doc tells her she’s pre-diabetic and needs to lose weight to avoid full blown diabetes. She’ll deflate into a sloppy bag of loose skin, stretch marks, and tits sitting on her fist-sized belly button. It’s gonna be pretty gross folks. And that’s what we’re supposed to celebrate? No thanks.
That ass is a disgrace to mankind
i dont give a shit if people agree with me or not Dr. faggat Penguin people have the right to be whoever they want to be as long as u are happy what the fuck does it matter and what kind of name is dr penguin faggat go kill yourself she is beautiful what all your fuck heads say
Your the douche bag telling everyone they can’t have their own opinion and that they have to agree with you that she looks good fat.Now you are bitching about you have the right to your own opinion are you so stupid your now are arguing against yourself.So if people think she doesn’t look that’s their opinion.Get how that works, everybody has a right to their opinion.
why waste all your time to come and look and comment if u dont like her go look at porn or go use your time doing something else it’s retarded all the people that are on here that mostly comment are racists and have no respect to women if i had my way i would go and shoot everyone of u fucking retards i am so sick and tired of all your disrespect towards women fuck all u people
you sir, are a faggot.
go make love to a man
Aaron are you really that stupid?!?! OMG who ties your shoe laces for you?!? “racists and have no respect to women” Really calling a woman who is above 30 BMI obes makes them “racists and have no respect to women” ROFL!!!! Go away you violent Obese SJW, go join BLM/Antifa you terrorist NAZI!
All of you going on about being too fat and ugly. Shut the fuck up. You’re the reason girls have no self esteem and end up with cunts who treat them badly.
There is not a thing wrong with how she looks. You should all be ashamed of yourself
when society starts to celebrate women like this we are witnessing the downfall of civilization.
fat acceptance is basically forcing people to reject objective standards of beauty, and that drags everyone down to the level of a retard.
This ho needs to huff and puff her way to a treadmill.
I think she is the perfect woman as I love big women also and small women, I love women…she would definitely know how to take care of you and I bet it’d bee heaven….you think she gives a fuck what all you body shamers think…..fuck no she gotten rich that way and who made all you fuckers experts on the health issues of big women….most are in great shape….you dont want her, thank I’ll have me some of that pie
Fuck! What a brave woman, and sooo dame HOT! she choose her way to love herself and make her way in this world, its a shame you all cant see the beauty in this…
It’s the Fappening not the Fattening
Buffalo butt
Now lets see her pussy!
How about a nice artistic photograph of her spreading her cunt open? Let’s see her asshole too.
Fat orange peel ass,what a pig although I’d love an ass wank of those monster cheels
LMAO…someone actually posted that a model shouldn’t have cellulite! No industry uses PHOTOSHOP more than photography.
Id fuk her brains out. I love that fatass. Yall r dumb callin her a whale. Go enjoy for your skinny corpse dead models
White cow please take this one off