13 thoughts on “Ashlen Alexandra Leaked The Fappening (8 Photos)

      1. IttyBittyPricky

        It’s tic-tac, and what of it? I get off, she gets off. Nice to know you’re thinkin’ about my junk though…..

    1. thom

      Perspective my friend. Small girl makes the junk look big. How the picture is taken also helps, get in close so the dick fills as much of the frame as possible. Last he shaves his junk, which again comes back to perspective. No bush to hide aaaaany of that tree trunk. Dude may be a little above average, but not much more than 6 inches.

      If you have a micro dick there is hope for you. Just never get naked in front of anyone….ever; and you are set. You can also hire a pitch Dick. A big black or white or brown or ashy or rainbow colored guy follows you around and when a situation presents itself where you need to either exposed your genitalia or use your genitalia he steps in and pulls out his comically oversized meat hammer.


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