Actress Ariana Saavedra makes her nude debut in the sex scene below from the Netflix series “Dark Desire” (AKA Oscuro deseo, 2022) Season 2 Episode 2 (s02e02).
Ariana Saavedra is showing bare breasts and butt in a nude sex scene with a guy during an opening credits sequence in slow motion, first on her back under him and then on top in his lap.
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Beautiful girl…………but the sex scene {I saw a clip} was cringe worthy. Totally choreographed and fake. No REAL passion whatsoever. It’s like porn. The only good porn is when the actors are REALLY getting into it. That only happens {for real} maybe 20% of the time but when it happens the porn is good………and you can tell. Forget all the grunts and groans and facial expressions. You can tell when they’re really getting into it………..This scene Ariana did in the movie was awful. Fake as hell.