Ariana Grande, Doja Cat and Megan Thee Stallion present their new 34+35 Remix (February 2021). Ariana looks much better than the other two vintage chicks, but the video frames changes are too fast and don’t let you enjoy her beauty.
Lol, Ariana looks better than Megan. That’s fucking hilarious. Yeah she’s hot if you like women with the body of a twelve year old boy. Foh
(She does look better than Doja Cunt though)
“If you don’t like fat black women that look like street walkers then you are a pedo and not normal”.
^ *Translation*
“I’m an angry incel who has never seen a pussy in real life.”
Spot on.
“Everyone that disagrees with what I say must be an incel and never seen a strong sassy black womans penis”.
One of those things is not like the others.
There’s so much fake plastic there, I bet when they hug, it sounds like balloons rubbing together.
These are the types of women who will tell men not to objectify them…
Ho’s gonna ho.
ariana grande is your typical white trash pothead that looks like shits thanks to those retarded tatoos. and she cant sing worth shit