Look at Anna Semenovich’s screenshots with semi-naked lesbian and sexy scenes from “Gitler kaput!”.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ann_semenovich/

Look at Anna Semenovich’s screenshots with semi-naked lesbian and sexy scenes from “Gitler kaput!”.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ann_semenovich/
I think we can all agree, this is NOT your best post.
I think we can also agree that my fetish is pissing off straight men. I spend at least half of my day on this site, leaving the same boring and unfunny comments over and over and over under about a dozen different stupid names. Naturally, I’m constantly trolled by breeders, but I just accuse every one of them of being an “admin”. It’s great because it means I don’t ever have to defend my behavior or contemplate the fact that I don’t belong here. Someday, I suppose, I’ll lose my virginity and realize that there’s more to life than being an annoying faggot. We’ll see.
She has the word semen in her name, what did you expect…