Check out this badass singer Anitta in underwear with some sick ink on her back and booty.

Check out this badass singer Anitta in underwear with some sick ink on her back and booty.
And, in 3…2…1…. Get ready for “flush it” guy and “monkey” guy, and all the other racist comments…. You guys are so predictable.
It’s because black people, as a whole, flat out SUCK. A completely crime-ridden race of people. They can blame it all on whitey if it blows their skirt up. But that kind of attitude gets them nowhere fast.
The city I live in had minimal crime figures when we moved here. Now it’s a disaster. The only difference? When we moved here, the black population was around 3%. Now? It’s 23%. Again…they flat out suck…and deserve every bit of derision they receive.
truer words have never been spoken. they are wild animals
Anitta Watermelon is more like it.
Turd. Flush.
Horrible implants.
Fugly. Jungle. Gorilla.
“Sick Ink” how about “Shit Ink” more like.
Pathetic random scribble shitty tattoos. Modern women are so fucking dumb.
Better stick to large POC men, they make better lovers.
slave reject.