Check out this nude and sexy photo collection of Angela Olszewska. Angela Olszewska is a 24-year-old Polish nude model.
Angela lived in the South of Poland, and for several years she has been working as a model. Her way in the “modeling” started with beauty contests (Miss Beskid and Miss Polonia Podbeskidzie), later she was in the Top Model show, and then in the Playboy magazine. She was Playmate December 2016.

They all got em, honey
I love her ass. It’s small, but not flat.
Yuo know they shit out of those rite
& lots of women wipe the shit directly toward their vags
one of my ex’s told me this personally
you know you’re a lifeless moron that doesn’t understand jack shit but likes to voice their opinion nonetheless ?
Lifeless, guess that’s why i’m on here typing on a keyboard with lifeless fingers :lol:
& defending anorexic hos won’t get you any tang simp
What is a hos?
Didn’t they have schooling in the asylum you grew up in?
It seems you happen to know a lot about particular kind of women but you need to broaden your horizon a little bit. You see, if you take your average american 400lb “beauty” that would be disgusting. But a gorgeous girl like this, her anus is pink, she shits with roses, and it smells like roses too.
So do you prefer solid or liquid
No they didn’t you tell you this, you know why? Mannequins are not real people they can’t talk this is a symptom of your schizophrenia. Also you seem to be atleast in your late 50’s nobody who wasn’t apiece in the 70’s refers to pussy as tang. You’re just mad no 20 something would be interested in your old fat bodied self. You know nothing about women which is why you have and always will be alone. Defending women on here won’t get him pussy but not being a woman hating closet case like yourself will go a long ways.
Simp gang attack! :lol: :lol:
Sadly none of you will get any vag for your efforts
(hint: the chick in the photo doesn’t even know you exist)
Dachau called: They want their inmate back.
You find the prettiest little oysters in rock pools these days!
My wife wipes forwards as well, odd habit that. Why spread sewage across the amusement park? We’re not all German for pity’s sake!