22 thoughts on “Amber Heard Nude & Sexy – London Fields (Video)

  1. Severin

    Sex should always be an endurance test for the bitch/slut/cunt/whore being fucked. It should be something they survive, an ORDEAL.

    VICTORY for Depp.
    VICTORY for Spacey.
    LOSS for Haggis.

    Two out of three against #MeToo misandry is pretty damn good. Now some aging whore is suing Warren Beatty. We’ll see how that turns out. Dustin Hoffman seems to be gradually recovering from his #MeToo attack (Mayim Bialik deserves praise for being one of the first to uncancel him) and Rihanna’s given Depp a helping hand, which is impressive on her part (although I’d be more impressed if she showed some discipline and fucking lost weight), so kudos to her.


  2. Davidson

    My Goddess. Hopefully justice will prevail and she wins her appeal and strikes a blow against the patriarchy and the undue power males have in Hollywood.
    She’s so stunning and brave to fight against the internet hate trolls, and even the misogynistic incels in these comments.
    Keep crying, Depp lovers, Amber will win! And I will love it!

  3. Hanzo the Razor

    With an ass like that, she’ll be working again before long – Depp on the other hand looks like my 65-year-old wine-drunk aunt on her way to Pottery Barn


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