Check out Amber Heard’s nude and sexy candid, magazine photos and a screenshot from “The Informers” showing off her breasts.
Check out Amber Heard’s nude and sexy candid, magazine photos and a screenshot from “The Informers” showing off her breasts.
Johnny does have a gorgeous poop hole. I can see why this woman loved him at one point.
False advertising at its finest
Dirty. Very dirty.
In the Informers she had anal sex in form of a camera thank yob
this bitch and her skat fetishes! i hope the sheets were not the special eypgtian cotton ones.
Psychopathic crack-head
I already wanted to stick my penis deep in her anus but now I don’t want to anymore.
Too bad, she turned out to be a psycho whore.
Amber should have stuck with eating pussy.
She shat the bed.
The cunt of all useless cunts
Looks like Depp’s bot army is out – if anybody shit the bed, it’s that mumbling drunk & his fucking homo hats, plus he just killed Jeff Beck! She at least is still hot, she’ll work & get butt nekkid again
Johnny should’ve done what we all would do to get her to shut the fuck up, and just ram his cock up her ass without asking. She might scream at first, but it’ll shut her up in other ways.
A true gentleman would at least use the fuck butter before commencing while not asking. Look what it did for Marlon Brando…
All you bots can eat shit and die. I can provide the shit, just give me a second.
Fuck that drunk fucker Depp! Ha ha ha, Jeff Beck is dead! And I killed him, my curses always come true, my Infernal Master promised it.
Next that pumpkin headed mongoloid “Captain Kori” will die, because I’ve cursed him as well!
All close to Depp will die, and I am killing them all!
Fuck you all.
All Hail The Watcher!
The twat is running out of money & can’t find a sugar daddy. We will see a “leaked” sex tape soon.