Amber Davis Nude & Sexy (171 Photos)

Check out this nude&sexy photo collection of Amber Davis in recent years. Amber Davis is a 22-year-old American model from Newport Beach, CA. There’s no mistaking the girl and the star of the TV show “Love Island,” Amber Davies. She’s young too, but prettier. This hot girl has a sweet ass, slender legs, and a cute smile!


15 thoughts on “Amber Davis Nude & Sexy (171 Photos)

    1. Spankmaster

      JC, pay no attention to this sad fucker. You put on a great show every evening with your wife and whoever else turns up to be given a good service, while we your adoring fans, stand outside your bedroom window with one hand in our popcorn and the other on our joystick, giving it a good flog. I’m sure you’ll get a close up shot of her cervix or sphincter when the time comes, so please make sure we get some visual consideration and confirmation of the event. And stand back please, we have lift off…

      1. Jeremy Fucking Clarkson

        Thanks for your support, Spanky.

        By A Nose is going on the list of people never to be invited to one of Mrs C’s BDSM evenings. His loss!

        1. James Fucking May

          Hey JC, these girls really do need to try harder. A cursory glance through Crappers educational pages would inform any starlet that an ‘anus’ shot is de rigueur on any shoot.

          I am also glad to see that Spanky is now devoting himself to the educational study of peeking at your wife’s anus through your bedroom window.

          The hours I’ve spent there looking at her glinting anus and jazzing up your wall, magical memories.


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