Actress Alyssa Milano teases fappers with her big sexy tits in a new social media fashion shoot for “The View” (January 2021).

Actress Alyssa Milano teases fappers with her big sexy tits in a new social media fashion shoot for “The View” (January 2021).
Also very nice breasts. What a lovely saturday morning this is with Kat Dennings and Alyssa Milano. Nice….
shes a psycho cunt
Sad, obvious tit job and facial surgery.
She has always been gorgeous but looks like shes had more silicone pumped into them there titties!
I doubt that big increase in her boobs is from having kids 10+ years ago. Just getting bigger breast implants isn’t going to get her more roles, especially if she’s going to keep doing the PG-13 stuff on NETFLIX and network tv.
she should spend more money in a better plastic surgery. maybe then she would be recognizable after that.
No longer a dime but she actually looks pretty damn good here. MILFy. Her rack in particular is looking mighty fine. Almost makes me forget that she inflicted the evil misandrist plague that is #MeToo upon us.
If “The View” hosts want to talk to a #MeToo fanatic about Covid they should talk to Deepti Gurdasani (@dgurdasani1), whom despite her shortcomings as a devotee of a militantly misandrist movement has real expertise on the subject of Covid.
Dumbass cunt
# metoo troublemaker showing off her brand new fat titties. But don’t look,you don’t want to objectify her.
She can fuck right off and cancel herself.
Horrible Feminazi cunt, I’m surprised she hasn’t got a Sproglet hanging off her tit .
Sorry “feminazi” died up the fat ass of your hero Rush
Goddam she needs to make another of them nekkid vampire movies
I would be charmed if i got to show her who the boss is in bed.
She’s not “showing” anything. She’s too stupid and crazy for me to care about her anymore.