16 thoughts on “Allie Leggett Nude (9 Photos)

    1. klawicki

      How have you managed to stave off suicide for so long with such a worthless existence? The loneliness has to be getting to you. And the overall sense of worthlessness, knowing that you will never matter to anyone can’t be doing you any favors.

  1. Mr Douche

    Very beautiful face, mathematically perfectly sculpted by Hephaestus himself.
    The tits are small, but they look shapely and perky, so they get a pass.
    But that butt? It looks like a kid’s butt. It’s a boner killer. Are people in Kentucky that poor that they can’t even afford some mcdonald’s?
    How can a beauty such as this one never actually thought that she might need to eat more steak and work her glutes?
    It must be true then. That really beautiful blondes are mentally lacking.
    Well, I guess God is fair after all.


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