Dancer Alexis Ren is seen after her workout on Saturday and looks sexy as she heads out.
The Instagram model sports slippers as she heads to her car after ballet class. As she arrives at her car, she realizes the parking ticket left for her but takes it with grace.
Tits or GTFO
We’ve seen the tits.. they’re way better left to the imagination.
I could’ve sworn there was a big ps on the bottom of that ticket that read: Call me.
YES! YES!, i surrender. It was me…
Holy fucking shit you’re a faggot
I can assure you that i am not, but from the looks of it both of your daddies are.
Now stop being so frustrated, i don’t like it when a dude tries to suck my dick!
And have a nice day…
She probably thinks it’s two tickes.
She’s hot and … wait, she got a parking ticket? I can’t be with someone who has a criminal record.