Adriana Abenia suffers a wardrobe malfunction at the GQ 2017 Men of the Year Awards in Madrid, Spain, 11/16/2017. Adriana Abenia Gracia is a Spanish television presenter, model and actress. Age: 33.

what a whore
this website is meant for chastity women, get out of here
Show me those saggy titties bitch.
her acting is almost as bad as her sad old tit
Yeah, wearing a dress like that with those straps…It definitely didn’t have much of a chance to function correctly.
Not bad…
If she cud fill it then it wud never of happened,
Now that’s what you call a great boob! None of this fat bloated shit everyone on this site seems to love
Spanish TV cheap whore.
Should do porn.
This foolish donkey might have thought she had a Nice Arse…
Give the boob a break it needed fresh air to breathe
A wardrobe malfunction just like when Basketball Wives Laura Govan attended The Wedding Ringer premiere with her sister Gloria when Laura’s entire bare nude left boob was expose for quite while everyone had the opportunity to witness a boob out a movie premiere and take pictures the only difference here is Adriana is mortified and embarrassed that her boob is showing Laura on the other hand couldn’t care less and thought it was funny she couldn’t stop laughing and another difference is you see Laura had surgical scars on her boob and Adriana has no scars on her boob.
Her boobs looks good