Curvy black model Achieng Agutu was snapped by Yu Tsai in Mexico for the 2024 SI Swimsuit Issue.

Curvy black model Achieng Agutu was snapped by Yu Tsai in Mexico for the 2024 SI Swimsuit Issue.
More like, there’s something that Massuh wants returned to the maggot pit….
You can’t be fucking serious.
This is animal cruelty, why did they overfeed this ape so much?
A new new low for this site.
THIS is why SI is dying…
This has got to be a joke. That thing looks like it just got off an electric scooter after shoplifting at Wal Mart. I think I’m going to barf.
looks like tan oversized chocolate easter bunny u can get at the grocery store – just not one you want to eat
She’ll make a fine sofa someday
The SI Swimsuit issue has officially and irreparably jumped the shark…..or in this case, the whale.
S.I have sold out , they’re shit scared in case eyebrows are raised and questions start being asked if they don’t include these Morbidly Obese land whales .
“Hey SI! Where’s my bikini photoshoot???”
What the actual fuck
This is just sick! 300+ lbs of Negro meat. Aunt Jemima is better than this hunk of lard.
Given your namesake, I agree entirely. And I wouldn’t be at all surprised that we drink ourselves to death to ease the pain of looking at this incredibly horrible fucking thing. It’s simple logic really…
That’s gonna be a tough wank
Fuck you, Fappening – you can keep on deleting my post and I’ll just keep on re-posting it.