35 thoughts on “Kylie Jenner Hot (2 Collage Photos)

          1. Dark D

            No shit. I’m obviously talking to myself using different names.
            It makes me feel better about being gay and alone.

          2. Dark D

            I imagine you do actually do this in real life just by taping somebody else’s name to your forehead. I also imagine that accents you use need work.

          3. Dark D

            Well that’s one thing you’ve gotten right – you have no idea what I’m into. One hint, referring to myself in the 3rd person isn’t something I’m into.

          4. Dark D

            Because that’s MY JOB and NOBODY takes MY JOBS! I also give blow jobs – you’ll often see my posting about giving homeless men blow jobs under different named. Dark D, Georgia97 etc… The names aren’t true, but the stories certainly are.

          5. Dark D

            I always suspected that this was the case. You (not me) need help. Help that I (not you) can’t give. You (not me) won’t find salvation on the business end of a tramp, no matter how many you search.

          6. Dark D

            You sound like a man who has only just realised how futile his life has been up until now. Listening to Adele on repeat?

          7. Dark D

            If the phrase “chasing pavements” makes you think of Adele you are surely NOT British.
            You’re probably not black either.

          8. Dark D

            At least… if I didn’t make it up as a term from prostitution that has never existed? Fuck I’m stupid. Sorry Dark D.

          9. Dark D

            Are you trying to tell me you’re a kook with too many personalities floating around your head to keep track of?

          10. Dark D

            Well, I didn’t need to be told that you (plural?) don’t have it all together. That much has been blindingly obvious.

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