Sexy reality TV star and model Bianca Gascoigne strips down to a bunny costume to celebrate Easter (2021).
The reality star who’s Dad, Paul Gascoigne, is currently in the Italian version of I’m A Celebrity looks sensational in her new Easter photoshoot.
I am the real Dark D.
You want proof?
I just sucked off a homeless dude for a loose cigarette.
“I have no life. Because of this, I impersonate people on a website comment board. Most of my comments involve homosexuality because I have repressed gay tendencies that I’m too afraid to let out, so I assume the identity of other people to live my dreams. In short, I’m a pussy. From TheNameLessRetard”
Be more concise when sharing your feelings, cunt.
You’re a nameless retard with no life.
All good?
Dark D wouldn’t want it any other way, cunt.
Yeah! Dark D has All The Power!
Yup all the power over you. Does this all stem from when you look in the mirror and wish you see anybody else but the loser staring back at you?
I’m only obsessed with one thing, my namesake, black dick.
Riiiiiight. If taking somebody’s name and constantly posting your gay fantasies about them isn’t an obsession, then you’re a straight black man.
I suspect that if someone cut my brain open, black dicks would spill out.
I see. From now on I’ll call you Dick For Brains. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet me, Dark D.
Nice to meet you, Dark Dick For Brains?
You got Dick For Brains? I know.. We’ve established this. What else can I learn about you?
I’m white like you.
If you were white like me that would make you not white at all, Dark DFB. Have you spoken to your mum recently? She’s got the lowdown (and she got really low down) on my blackness and my penis. No way you thought she was bow legged from riding horses.
You are very white.
When dressed as a ghost at Halloween. Otherwise I’m black. If you still have doubts, your mother will confirm.
Get a room homos
Two white guys? Gross.
There would be 1 white guy (Dark Dick For Brains) and 1 black guy (me) kicking the shit out of him if we were to ever meet.
^^ This is what children do when they feel like they’ve lost. Funny, that’s the same noise I imagine your nose would make after I caved it in to your face.
I stuck a lightbulb up my bum and thought of Dark D when I wrote this. Then yes, I clenched.
I’m a loser, race baiting, homophobic jackass.
I just jacked off a homeless guy on the subway.
Gee. Daddy must be so proud.
Now, not as proud as Billy Ray Cyrus obviously, but proud nonetheless.
Side note: Does anyone else expect to see Dark D on the news being identified as responsible for a mass shooting, or is just me?
She’s not Paul’s daughter. He adopted her when he married her mom but he’s not her biological dad.