14 thoughts on “Amanda Holden is Pictured at Heart Radio in London (26 Photos)

    1. Dark D

      After extensive interaction with this particular retard, I’ve developed a moron translator so normal people can understand what they’re trying to get across. What this really means is:

      “I have no life. Because of this, I impersonate people on a website comment board. Most of my comments involve homosexuality because I have repressed gay tendencies that I’m too afraid to let out, so I assume the identity of other people to live my dreams. In short, I’m a pussy.”

      Now, it’s important not to provoke retards, so subsequent comments should and must be ignored. Although the wording is different, the retard is only really capable of saying the above translation as far as normal people are concerned.

        1. Dark D

          For the scientific amongst you, note the retard’s inability to process simple paragraphs of text. Truly fascinating.

          1. Dark D

            Interesting to see that the retard is able to distinguish between himself (he refers to himself as the retard with a small penis) and a third party (Dark D). This is ability has been severely lacking in previous interactions.

          2. Dark D

            Retard character trait #1: When threatened the retard will default to its natural habitat – homosexuality.

          3. Dark D

            Retard character trait: When threatened the retard will default to its natural habitat – homosexuality.

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