14 thoughts on “Kylie Jenner Looks Hot in a Blue Bikini (9 Pics + Video)

  1. kevin whipaloo

    I want her shit on my dick so much.. SO MUCH.

    Ill stop fucking fat femboys for a month if you let this happen

  2. Viper Vision

    These pictures should never have been taked.

    Brought to you by:

    >>———-> s-k-r-a-h-S-d-U-m F-o n-o-i-T-u-c-E-x-e e-h-t r-O-F n-e-m <———-<<

  3. JrSalami

    This whore never shows her ASS..is it because it’s filled with moon craters? ..or because it looks like two stuffed pillow down there w/ chicken legs like her sister Kim?

    One thing I give Jenner/Kardashian hoe clan…..their TIT enhancement are VERY WELL made..Kylie and Kim tits looks GREAT…

    1. peter dobson

      If I wanna see a beautiful pair of tits I look at my wife and Salma Hayek. Perfect size and form. And….their natural.

  4. Wendell

    Do you think a woman could develop a “crush” on a horse or vice versa. I’m serious……… where there could be some real feelings and the possibility of a genuine relationship? I know for instance on that Feme website you see these things occur but my question is could there really be something that develops beyond the physical?


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