28 thoughts on “Kendall Jenner Looks Great After Another Workout (33 Photos)

  1. wawa

    What a nice fat puss. Sadly I realize it’s not a natural meaty snatch and instead it’s destroyed and swollen from being beat up from all the gross black dicks.

          1. Dark D

            Obviously you don’t know what a monkey is. Best not to use words you don’t understand. In your case that might mean not speaking at all.

    1. wawa

      Fat? Yes. Meaty? Yes. Tight? ROFL she’s been passed around by at least half a dozen black dudes that we know about. That shit stopped being tight by the time she was like 14. No telling how many NBA players were getting up in that from her mom pimping her out.

  2. Nate B

    Kendall Jenner the biggest hoe in Hollywood spotted with her fat as kitty hanging out while hanging out with her favorite side chick Lauren Perez!

  3. Wendell

    What is it with the cameltoe with these girls?………..I’ve seen enough cameltoe in the last few months to get myself a month free boarding at some Oasis in the Sahara. This is NOT a coincidence. These girls {young women.} They see all the pictures of themselves. {Oh yes they do.} If they don’t someone in their family does and says, “hey, Kendall you were showing some toe yesterday. Go check the pictures out.” These people would have you believe they don’t follow a lot of this shit but they follow ALL of it. Every bit of it……….So when Hailey Bieber is showing cameltoe 3 days in a row in yoga pants she knows it and is totally aware of it. Ditto Kendall Jenner…………..So tell me something. What are they wearing {95% of the time with Kendall Jenner} on those days they DON’T show cameltoe and what are they NOT wearing on the days they do? I’ve seen Kendall 50 times wearing yoga pants with no cameltoe. On those days is she wearing a certain type of underwear or do those particular yoga pants have a “breech” of some kind so you don’t show toe? I would say 1} those yoga pants she’s wearing are not top of the line yoga pants 2} she isn’t wearing any underwear or anything underneath the yoga pants to “shield” against cameltoe…….this is not rocket science boys and girls. CAUSE and EFFECT……………. Back in the old days they use to call it “modesty.” Like a girl crossing her legs with a skirt on. Guess they aren’t real big on that today. A lot of things are sexy but I do not find cameltoe sexy at all. Kind of ugly to tell you the truth.

    1. The Batman

      There are some brands of cameltoe-cancelling yoga pants favoured by certain celebs, but you’re right, these young ladies certainly know what they’re doing and it’s all in the name of titillation.


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