Here are Bluebell Wooi’s nudes for Penthouse Australia magazine by Adam Flowers (2018). The tattooed model displays her stunning body, posing fully naked. Check out black and white and colorized pictures in the gallery below!
Like the tits not the tats.
Don’t worry, you’re never going to fuck her. What’s with you fags that just have to keep whining about how you don’t like tats? Just move on to the next post instead of clicking and looking at shit you don’t like, moron.
Ironic that you’re whining about people whining about not liking tattoos.
She looks like something that was used by every welder in Newcastle…
Ugh burn it with hellfire
I’d rather shag a toothless vegemite.
You misspelled ‘WHO’
If she had a dick she’d be perfect!
Nice body. Looks fit enough to pull the plow in my poppy fields. Maybe I will even let her feed my prized camel.
You are so considerate. Remember to point her in the direction of Mecca when finished with her…
She looks like she shaved that pussy patch and glued it where her eyebrows were.
Unibrow feminazi
This is what racemixing leads to.
Great ass. Fake tits are awful tho.
Real tips. I fucked her way back when for a few months. Good girl.. dry tight pussy