Amy Schumer & Chris Fischer Enjoy a Light Swim in St. Barths (18 Photos)

Amy Schumer and husband Chris Fischer continue their year end holiday in St. Barths and swim in the ocean with their one year old son Gene, 12/27/2020. The happy couple also played a little beach volleyball on the beach.


35 thoughts on “Amy Schumer & Chris Fischer Enjoy a Light Swim in St. Barths (18 Photos)

  1. NickEBoy

    Jesus Christ crapper, why in the hell would you post this? There’s me, eating a nice buritto in my nice new jeans bought for Christmas, when I casually flick on to the site and see this! You owe me a new fucking buritto man and you should pay for the cleaning too as buritto and two day old turkey barff is not a nice mix.

  2. Nopethanks

    I actually thought that said ā€œCarrie Fisherā€ and did a double take.

    But itā€™s sad to see a whale beached like that, I hope PETA was able to get her back out to sea.

  3. The Voice Of Reason

    Man, what some guys won’t do for money.
    Like me. I’m no different than the next guy. I have my price. I can be bought.
    Kudos to this guy for takin’ one for the…well…planet. He’s earning every penny.

  4. Wendell

    I guess she takes a hell of a shit. When they go anywhere they have to a place with certain types of windows and ventilation and also quick evacuation. Just a necessity. Also the paint on the walls has to be a strong paint or it’ll peel right off. Make your eyes water.

    1. Fuck You Crapper, Fuck You Right in the Ass

      “Below average”?

      You are too kind.

      Amy is not even a Gardena 3, let alone a Hollywood 4 …

  5. fap

    fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap


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