Check out Valentina Fradegrada’s photos from the beach in the Maldives – Instagram, 10/28/2020. The model flaunts her nude body, slightly covering her fake boobs.
Check out Valentina Fradegrada’s photos from the beach in the Maldives – Instagram, 10/28/2020. The model flaunts her nude body, slightly covering her fake boobs.
I hate naked women.
They probably feel the same way about you.
The donkey will sort out Fame Whore. He will never be the same again…
I like it when guys pee a little in my mouth. I just take it to mean that they’re excited.
Fake-ass baskeballs shoved into a woman are not sexy.
Hot bitch.
Trump’s going to get his assed kicked November 3rd. You heard it here………..Over the next few days you’ll hear a lot of bullshit. Don’t believe it. There are ALREADY 80 million votes in. “538” has Biden as a 89 out of 100 chance to win. Trump is going to get his head handed to him worse than you even realize {who do you think all these people voting are? There were 139 M votes in 2016. There are going to be 150 M or more in 2020. Where do you think all those votes are coming from? They’re coming from the Sanders people who didn’t vote for Hillary and all the people who thought she was going to win an sat on their ass. They aren’t sitting on their ass this year. In 2016. In my neighborhood there was one Clinton sign. This year? There are 25 Biden signs. Wait an see. It is going to be a blood bath for the Republicans and I’m going to enjoy every minute of it!!!!}
You might want to find your safe space for Wednesday, buddy. How did those polls and yard signs work out in 2016? MAGA!
I hope you mean Wednesday the 11th.
Are you aware of the ongoing pandemic?
We’re not in the faggot land UK, dumbass. Go back to bagging groceries at Tesco and get off my lawn.
Was any of that supposed to make sense, buddy?
Sexy long fingers.