Extinction Rebellion Parliament Protest (30 Nude Photos)

Topless activists from the Extinction Rebellion climate change group are monitored by police officers after locking themselves to the railings at a demonstration outside UK’s parliament in central London on the final day of their new series of “mass rebellions”. Climate change protesters have put on 10 days of demonstrations, held across the country by activist group Extinction Rebellion.

19 thoughts on “Extinction Rebellion Parliament Protest (30 Nude Photos)

  1. Ballsmasher McIroncock

    Such brave women. Yes, take your tops off. What happens when some dude starts jerking it. That going to prove your stance?

  2. Free the nipple

    Famine’s the best looking (eyes).
    Crop Failure & Starvation have the best nips.
    Good messaging.
    Good post.

  3. Captain Jack

    Famine has great eyes & might be pretty sans the mask!
    Anyone else noticed the beer or doughnuts guts sported by some of the cops?
    Them yellow jackets sure helps to hide or cover up, eh?

  4. pdog_01

    That they are stupid enough to believe the propaganda of man-caused climate change explains why they think this stunt is a good idea.


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