7 thoughts on “Cláudia Alende Nude & Sexy (91 Photos)

  1. ahmed

    That fat as is like an baboon ass and one would need to be a monkey still walking on all four to like it.
    When the human learned to walk straight on to legs it became the norm to like the female breast instead.
    The problem with this chicks breasts are that there not real and looks like there were made by someone that never seen a nice real pair of breasts.

    1. ahmed

      She would have a pretty face if she hadn’t thoose swollen lips that looks like she’s been in a brutal fight.
      I can’t understand why pretty girls does these things to them self, it only makes them look ugly.
      What’s wrong with girls that think plastic is fantastic? we all knows that it’s not.

  2. Leandro Veloso

    Porra, cês são tudo viado ! Cade os cara que comia buceta até quando parecia o Chewbacca sorrindo ?! “Ai é tudo plastico! Tem gordura recolocada em todo lugar” que viadagem isso galera, foi-se o tempo em que homem era um pedreiro nato e cantava até as feia, agora só querem saber qual pomada pra cabelo deixa o cabelo mais fixo. Vão se foder, na moral .


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