Phoebe Price poses for photos while working out on Thursday in Los Angeles. She falls over her exercise ball at one point but she continues.
Phoebe Price poses for photos while working out on Thursday in Los Angeles. She falls over her exercise ball at one point but she continues.
another daily dose of 150 Greta Gremlin photos to make everyone flacid
Hey crapper can you post the photo set of when she stepped in a fresh pile of dog shit barefooted? That was my favorite of her.
too bad she didn’t fall far enough towards the road.. some car might have crushed the pathetic whore’s skull..
Ha, like with Emily Hartridge. LOL
What’s her story, anyway? What was she before she became… this?
Nice post crapper. This is going in my emergency tank folder.
And ?
Exercise ball or child’s spacehopper she’s mugged a toddler for ? Wonder how many times this ‘accident’ had to be staged ? Will it be suing the makers for whiplash or is that a non-starter as she couldn’t prove she read the safety instructions (or had a grown up read them to her !) ?
Nice to see despite all the publicity it still hasn’t worked out the mask needs to cover mouth and nose ! Though in her case, full face would be even better !
That’s ok, she fell off her rocker decades ago.
So does she book someone to come take pics of her and pretend they are the paparazzi
Shoot her in the face.
This is fuckin disgusting! Please, not more of this shit!!!!
Fail! This chick is nasty. Crapper should get a clue as to what good looking is
Crapper. You were on a roll. It was a great day. You really outdid yourself today. What is this shit? WTF? What is it with this woman? Why do people post her not only here but elsewhere. Who the fuck wants to look at her? I’d rather look down the garbage disposal an watch it eat a bunch of carrots.
Brutal. Shout put her and Frenchy on same rocket aimed at the sun.
Poor mental health poster girls
Worst thing is..I suspect they read this…and still carry on.
They must..none else can be sharing their disgusting, staged, attention seeking and sadly unattractive pictures.
USA got the hottest females worldwide. LoL
Would be better if the mask was over the lens of the camera so I didn’t have to experience this horridious specimen of a human
Anyone got her onlyfans