Star of “Modern Family” series, actress Sofia Vergara (left) flaunts her buttocks, posing in bikini with her 27-year-old niece Claudia (right) in the social media picture (April 2020). Check out also her nude/sexy and collage photos below.
She’s gorgeous. I actually recognize the name. Usually it’s done b class nobody celebrity.
That ass is quality.
exactly, you’re right. she is latin so this is the least she should have, and she has it perfectly
Old pictures, but the way she strokes that big glass tho. Loveley…
….still, no match for my skillful stokes of the big black cock….
She had a bit of a tranny/man face thing going on.
Which is the only reason I now have an erection, if you can call it that.
That awkward moment when a girl twice your age has a better ass than you. Ouch.
Uhhh 27? that takes something away from the sexyness… I thought she was 17..
Dammit Junior! The lawyer told you to shut your mouth until your trial has finished!
The only thing better than Vergara pics are photos with her 27yr old niece!
That first pic is a great advertisement for anal sex.
I wonder how freaky she gets. I wonder, has she given her husband a threesome with her niece?
A Goddess at any age. What a fucking rocket!!!